The Vermont Principals Association
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VPA Executive Council Statement on Mascots & School Symbols

To: Whom it May Concern
From: The Vermont Principals’ Association Executive Council

In support of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) students and families and other historically marginalized peoples, the VPA’s Executive Council issues the following statement regarding school mascots:

School mascots are often powerful symbols within a community. We believe that mascots and all school symbols should support feelings of belonging and inclusivity for students and the wider community. They should not perpetuate divisive stereotypes and contribute to the ongoing marginalization, erasure, and harm to BIPOC communities. Any mascot, nickname, symbol, or logo that has marginalizing, racist, or exclusionary elements should be replaced to demonstrate what it means to be an inclusive, welcoming, and strong community. Just as all aspects of school operations need ongoing improvement for equitable outcomes and inclusive representation and policies, so too should school mascots.