Pitching Chart
Electronic communications between the coach and catcher are coming our way. To start that discussion the rules clarify what communication devices are, starting with wristbands. The new rules identify what is allowable.
ART. 1 . . . Any wristband with defensive shifts/offensive plays/pitching choices or game directions attached shall be considered non-electronic equipment and is permitted as long as it is a single, solid color. For pitchers, it may not contain the colors white, gray or be distracting. It does not have to match the color of the uniform or the sleeves worn underneath the uniform. It shall only be worn on a player(s) wrist or forearm and pitchers shall wear it on their non-pitching arm.
PENALTY: The umpire shall issue a team warning to coach of the team involved and the next offender(s) of that team will be ejected along with the head coach.
Rationale: Clarification. With the increase in popularity of these style of communication systems, confusion has been realized when the players wear them other than on their arm. This change will prohibit these types of products from being worn other places.
ART. 2 . . . One-way electronic communication devices are permissible from the dugout to the catcher while the team is on defense for the purpose of calling pitches. When using the electronic communication device, the coach cannot be outside the dugout/bench area.
Rationale: This rule allows for a team to utilize an electronic device for the purpose of calling pitches from the dugout. The device would only be able to be one-way, meaning the player cannot use an electronic device to respond or communicate back to the coach. Various technologies, earpiece, electronic band or a smart watch could be used giving teams several options at varying costs. No other player would be able to wear or use this device nor would the coach be able to communicate with any other player using electronic communication.
ART. 5 . . . A coach may use a one-way electronic communication device to communicate to the catcher for the purpose of calling pitches. Coaches may not use electronic communication device(s) to communicate with any other team member while on defense or any team member while on offense. When using the electronic communication device, the coach cannot be outside the dugout/bench area.
Rationale: Allows for the coach to communicate with the catcher using an electronic communication device for the purpose of calling pitches.
h. Forfeit the game for prescribed infractions by spectators, coaches, players or team/bench personnel.
Rationale: Umpires have jurisdiction over the confines of the field, players, coaches and team/bench personnel. If there are issues with spectators, it is the responsibility of game management to deal with spectators and to ensure that the facility is safe for all involved.
Suggested Speed-Up Rules After Put Outs #3
Rules 1 and 2 remain the same.
#3 Following the final out in any inning, the ball shall be given to the nearest umpire. The plate umpire shall give the ball to the catcher. The base umpire shall place the ball on the pitcher’s plate.
Rationale: This is a NFHS Softball rule book mechanic that needs to be deleted from the NFHS Baseball rule book.
For the 2024 high school baseball season, attention is being called to: Malicious Contact, Profanity (Direct or Indirect) and Pace of Play. When a topic is included in the Points of Emphasis, these topics are important enough to reinforce throughout the academic year because additional attention is warranted.
While not a new topic, malicious contact registers as the third most discussed Point of Emphasis (POE) behind good sporting behavior and pitching restrictions. Malicious contact was a POE in 2006-2008 and also in 2014. The frequency of emphasis is not surprising. It is a topic that begs for a complete and understandable definition, but is unable to find one that captures every possible scenario. The majority of intentional collisions occur at home plate when the catcher is attempting to make a play on a base runner. Conventional wisdom from past NFHS Baseball Rules Committees would say that malicious contact can be initiated (and penalized) by either the offensive or defensive player(s), and that incidental contact is expected in baseball. An example is the infrequent but dramatic “train wreck” play, where the thrown ball, the fielder and the runner meet at the same time. It is always a violent convergence, but not intentional, nor is anyone trying to hurt the other. It is just a normal baseball play.
The absence of these two conditions does not preclude the presence of malicious contact but would provide a reasonable starting point for proper interpretation. Rules guidance can be found in Rules 2, 3, 5, 8, Dead Ball Table and Base Running Awards Table. The NFHS rules code is education-based not only for the coaches and players, but for the umpires as well. Umpires should have the flexibility to judge witnessed contact as malicious or not. Their judgment should not be removed by rule but enhanced by education, video review, umpire board/chapter training, game experience and field locations/mechanics.
In addition, this is what we are teaching umpires to look for –
Education-based athletics is a direct extension of the classroom. When the educational component is removed, then everything changes, and it becomes a completely different game, devoid of accountability and structure. A student who blurts out a profanity either toward someone or simply out of frustration in school would be disciplined by the classroom teacher or the building principal. There is no excuse for foul language in school or on the baseball field. Regardless of what is portrayed at other levels, this is not acceptable and should be addressed by the umpire(s). The rule support for this behavior is clear, the penalties are: (1) a verbal warning to the offender, (2) issuance of a written warning to the offender which warrants being restricted to the bench/dugout for the remainder of the game, or (3) eject the offender for a major offense. The Bench and Field Conduct Section (NFHS Rule 3-3-1f1-4) provides several sub-articles addressing profanity and harmful behaviors. High school sports and other activities exist to lift people up, positively challenge them and their abilities, not to demean or tear people down. The goal is to treat everyone fairly and treat each other with respect. Any language that is profane, intimidating, insulting, demeaning or hurtful will not be tolerated. Coaches, school administrators and parent groups should work together to ensure that the game creates a positive environment for all involved. Profanity spoken loud enough to be heard is profanity that needs to be dealt with immediately.
High school athletics is education-based for an age group that ranges from 14 to 18 years of age. Baseball is an extension of the classroom. Unlike other sports, baseball is not “clock” driven. The average time of a high school varsity baseball game is around 2 hours and 9 minutes. At other levels of the sport, time is more crucial and has been the focus of those rules-writing organizations. At the advanced levels, some longtime existing plays and practices have been eliminated to shorten the game and in-part enhance the fan experience. High school baseball does not have these same issues and does not share the same challenges of production costs, satellite time, throngs of network media or maximizing the entertainment value or offerings for the fans. These goals are very simplistic. The NFHS encourages students to participate in high school activities, learn from play and be better citizens from playing. While high school baseball does not have overall game-time restrictions, the NFHS is cognizant that extended games are part of baseball. Baseball games can be more efficient with a focus on time and time management. Pace of play involves several factors, and the NFHS believes that giving special attention to these five areas will assist with the flow and pace of our game.
This rule has been in our rule book since the late 1970s as a tool to use when the pitcher is prolonging the delivery of the pitch because of gamesmanship or overall lack of game efficiency. Past rule committees did not intend to negatively impact a game that is being played at a reasonable pace and rhythm. The rule was meant to be utilized when preventative officiating fails to provide the necessary outcome. When talking to the pitcher regarding the length of delay between each pitch, or speaking with the catcher to “nudge” the other half of the battery to pitch in a more timely manner, or mentioning to the coach at the half-inning that the game is being affected by the pitcher’s delay does not change the pitcher’s behavior, then this is a problem and would result in the penalty being applied.
Time Between Half-Innings (6-2-2 EXCEPTION)
There are a lot of moving pieces in between half-innings. By rule, the time from the last out to the next pitch is 1 minute and 20 seconds The role of the umpire is to facilitate the defense getting into place, the pitcher warming up and start the inning. There is no place for visiting with the fans or having an extended discussion with the other umpire(s).
Batter Repeatedly Stepping Out of the Batter’s Box (7-3-1)
The NFHS Rules Book is clear when the batter is allowed to step out of the batter’s box and when they cannot. It is understandable and part of the game for the batter to step out of the batter’s box to get the signal from the third base coach on how to approach the next pitch because it is very situational. The batter needs to be encouraged to get back in the batter’s box with a sense of expediency. However, repeatedly stepping out to alter the rhythm of the pitcher or delay the game is not acceptable and the penalty needs to be applied by the umpire.
Umpire’s Time Management
Time management is crucial to how the game progresses. If the umpire is not consistent in motivating both teams to get off and on the field, expedite conferences, encourage the batter from excessively stepping out of the batter’s box, this will add unnecessary delay to the contest. The umpire cannot control the skill level of the players of both teams; however, there are other areas that the umpire can positively impact the pace and speed of the game. The players’ abilities will affect the speed of the game, but the other areas that the umpire has direct control over should be monitored and utilized in creating a sense of urgency during the contests.
Excessive Player Conferences
A player conference is very different than a charged conference. The NFHS supports teammates encouraging each other and developing that camaraderie. That is part of the lesson one learns from playing a team sport. However, when team bonding becomes excessive and it begins to delay the game, then the umpire needs to step in and expedite the conclusion of the meeting.
Our concern, this is what we are teaching umpires to look for –
Specific rest periods are in place when a pitcher reaches a high threshold of pitches delivered in a day.
The rest periods required during the 2024 regular and tournament season are listed below:
A calendar day means that if a pitcher throws 76 pitches on Tuesday that player may not pitch again until Saturday. If they throw 76 pitches on Saturday that player may not pitch again until Wednesday. The starting time of the game NO longer matters in the calculation of when a pitcher is eligible to pitch again.
A pitcher at any level who reaches the pitch count limit in the middle of an at bat will be allowed to finish that hitter. This only applies to maximum limitations. i.e. varsity 120, JV/Freshman 110, middle level 85.
c. VPA Pitching Limitation Procedure (6-1-6) applies to varsity, JV and freshman games:
1) The pitch count chart is to be presented to the opposing coach BEFORE the game.
2) During the game pitch counts will be confirmed at the end of every half inning. Any discrepancy will be reported to the umpire.
3) At game’s conclusion, the VPA pitching form will be signed by the coaches or designated representative.
4) Schools (Coaches/A.D.) have the responsibility to maintain this pitching chart form. A hard copy must be available upon VPA request.
5.) A regulation game, where a winner cannot be determined will count as 1/2 game won and ½ game lost (4-2-2, + 4- 3).
7.) It is recommended that card-backed line up cards be used.
8.) Schools are reminded to check the specifications of their field – i.e., mound size, holes, baseline markings. Hazardous conditions must be corrected.
9.) Umpires who work a suspended game shall be paid an entire game fee; the umpires who work the completed suspended game shall also be paid an entire game fee.
10.) When the umpires travel to a game site, and said game is rained out prior to its starting time, each umpire will receive 1/2 a game fee with no mileage.
11.) Double Headers – if both schools agree, a rescheduled baseball game in season, with the same school, will be a 5 inning game.
1. There will be a tournament entry fee of $125 for this year only.
2. To qualify for the tournament, a team must submit an application.
In seeding teams, a point index will be used as one of the factors. The index points will be found as follows:
Home Away Home Away
Higher Division 5 6 2.5 3
Same Division or lower 4 5 2 2.5
Two Lower Divisions 2 3 1 1.5
One Lower Division 3.5 4.5 1 1.5
Loss Against Higher Division .5 1
The points will be totaled and the total divided by the number of games played to find the point index.
3.Only the first three games with common opponent will count. The tournament application must be complete with all games listed and the line showing total wins, losses, ties and index points filled in. SB LIve will be the official registrar for tournament play.
4. Official dates for tournament play are as follows:
Last date for regular season games: June 1, 2024
Baseball pairings June 2, 2024
Play downs June 4/5, 2024 4:30 start time
Quarter-Finals – June 7/8, 2024, 4:30 start time
Semi-finals – June 10/11, 2024, 4:30 start time
Finals – June 14/15@ Centennial Field
NO TOURNAMENT GAMES MAY BE PLAYED PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED DATES. Note: Due to date conflicts, championship games will be played at Centennial Field only on Friday and Saturday. If a championship game cannot be scheduled for these dates the game site will not be at Centennial.
5. The umpires for the tournament will be assigned through the V.P.A. office by the Executive Director, chairman of the Baseball Committee, and State Commissioner or their designee. During the tournament if a school is assigned a 4 person umpiring crew during the playdowns or quarterfinals, schools are only responsible for paying 3 umpires. During the semi-finals, only four, four person crews will be assigned. If a school has a four person crew all four will be paid. Umpires will be assigned taking geographic considerations into account.
6. The higher seeded team will furnish new Spalding TF500 balls for state-level play through the semi-finals. The host team is to furnish a ball to the opposing pitcher at warm up time. The VPA will furnish the balls for the championship games (official balls are the. Spalding TF500 ) The pre-game schedule for all games throughout the state tournament is as follows:
The home team may have their batting practice at any time prior to this pre–game schedule.
9. The higher seeded team will be the home team as it relates to the batting order.
10. All tournament games (play downs through finals) will be a complete 7-inning game with the following modifications:
11. Protests will be ruled upon by the four umpires plus the VPA representative working that championship game. All other tournament game protests will be ruled on by the Executive Director of the VPA, the Baseball Committee Chair, and the commissioner of the Umpires’ Association.
12. Note: Assigning of Umpires to Semi-final Games
1. 4 umpires – schools pay for 4.
2. Maximum mileage charge to schools-$200. Understanding that assigners will do
everything to reduce this cost (car pooling, local umpires, etc.).
3. Umpires who are assigned to a championship game will do the base in the semis that they are assigned to in the championships.
4. Semi-final/championship umpires are assigned by the VBUA. Final approval by
Hate Speech reported to site administrator or by an official, student, or coach:
Hate Speech behavior reported to an official by a student or coach:
Hate Speech behavior heard or seen by an official:
Baseball Scores