VPA’s membership benefits include legal support*— or “career insurance” if you will. If deemed needed by the Executive Director, we offer up to $1000 of legal assistance plus if you are an NAESP or NASSP member, you are entitled to up to an additional $1,000 a year (up to $10,000) of legal assistance for each year of continuous membership. Naturally, every circumstance is different, but, in general, that is the coverage.
So, do the math…by becoming a member of VPA (and either NAESP or NASSP) you are paying less than $600 per year and receiving very useful “career insurance,” as well as all the other services that VPA has to offer.
* legal services are not available to aspiring Principal members
NAESP/NASSP Procedures
From time to time, principals may find themselves in need of legal services. Please follow these rules:
1. ON-CALL SUPPORT – Call Jay Nichols at the VPA, 802-229-0547 or on his cell at 802-782-4629. If it’s an emergency, please tell Mallori or Heidi when you call. Jay has been a School Leader for a quarter of a century and is very knowledgeable on Vermont education and employment law. He’ll help you assess the situation and help you come up with next steps. In an emergency do not hesitiate to call his cell at any time.
2. ATTORNEY AVAILABLE – If you want to talk to an attorney, Jay will determine if this is necessary and make arrangements with VPA Attorney Michael Marks. Jay will help you determine the best time to talk with Attorney Marks. As a member, you have a limited amount of money assistance available.
3. NATIONAL SUPPORT – As a member of your national professional association, you also may be entitled to legal assistance through NAESP or NASSP.
4. REMEMBER – Try to stay composed. Vermont Principals’ Association is here for you! Before taking any action that may have legal ramification consult with Jay.