USSYP Official Press Release
(Applicants are advised to carefully review the entire contents of this page before beginning their applications)
The United States Senate Youth Program presents an outstanding opportunity for our best and brightest high school juniors and seniors. Leadership, academic achievement, clear speech and logical thought process, and community involvement are the desired qualities for this scholarship opportunity, provided by the Hearst Foundation. A VPA Selection Committee reads and ranks all applications submitted, sets up interviews with the top six candidates, and selects the two delegates and two alternates who will represent Vermont.
United States Senate Youth Program Scholarship Application
(The Vermont Principals’ Association is not responsible for following up with incomplete applications. School Counselors, Students and Parents please work together to complete applications. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.)
The United States Senate Youth Program, established in 1962 by U.S. Senate Resolution, is a unique educational experience for outstanding high school students interested in pursuing careers in public service.
The 63rd annual United States Senate Youth Program Washington Week is being planned to be held in person in Washington, D.C. on March 1-8, 2025. Application processes are underway and the national deadline for all states to submit their delegate selections is December 1, 2024. The VPA deadline to receive applications is October 21, 2024.
All eligible students are encouraged to apply. Students must attend the program to receive the scholarship. Regardless of platform, all confirmed student delegates will partake in a comprehensive, interactive leadership program in the stated timeframe, and each will receive the $10,000 college scholarship in the name of the United States Senate. To apply, please contact your state selection contact.
A change for 2024: We will accept JROTC students who hold officer-level leadership positions within their cadet corps for the entire academic year as qualified to apply to the USSYP. These leadership positions, often called Cadet Corps Commanders, will be allowed as qualifying leadership positions for USSYP. Serving as a general JROTC cadet alone will NOT qualify. Please check with this and ALL leadership positions under 1(e), that you verify the year-round, officer-level high level of responsibility and public service component for each position prior to submitting your delegates.
For more information please go to
Transcripts and Principal Recommendation Letters: Transcripts and recommendation letters may be sent to the VPA directly from schools.
E-mail: To Mallori Longevin (
Mailed: VPA, 2 Prospect St. Suite 3, Montpelier, VT 05602. Faxed: 802-229-4801