The Vermont Principals Association
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The Vermont Principals’ Association offers activities for students of all ages. Participation in VPA activities is offered to all VPA member schools. Please contact the VPA if you have any questions about the activities and programs offered.


The Geo-Bee Competition Program is a team competition for fifth – eighth grade students. The regional winners meet at the state competition to determine state champions.

Why Vermont GEO-BEE?

            “I know this is a lot too late to be telling you.  But I know nothing

            about maps.  I mean absolutely nothing, not one thing.  I don’t know

            where the U.S. or L.A. is located . . . I don’t know the difference

            between countries, cities or states.  Can I have a little of your help

            please?”  (10th grade student to her teacher –National Geographic


            The problem of geographic ignorance is serious.  We believe that geography is integral to our ability to understand and function in our world. In response, the Vermont GEO-BEE Program was created to support the effort to put Vermont students on an equal footing with their counterparts in other nations.  This effort will require the active participation of all educational decision makers. The success of this effort begins with our individual teachers who work to broaden the geographic understanding of their students in Vermont.

Geo-Bee Guide 2024

Geo-Bee Team Application

Geo-Bee Study Guide

Geo-Bee Past Winners


The Vermont Drama Festival consists of several regional festivals and a state festival. Open to Vermont secondary schools, the festival is co-sponsored by the VPA and by the Vermont Drama Council (VDC).

The festival’s goal is to stimulate and support high school drama programs in Vermont. This is done through presenting, watching and discussing one-act plays, participating in workshops, attending dinners, and being willing to “Celebrate Theatre” by promoting the spirit of festival.

VDC Copyright Form
Festival Tally Form
Medical Consent Form

For more information:

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Science & Math Fair

The Vermont Mathematics and Science Fair is open to students in grades  5 – 12. Science teachers and scientists evaluate student projects. Projects may cover the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, geology, and behavioral or experimental psychology.

Award sponsors include:
Vermont Principals’ Association, NEAVS–New England Anti-Vivisection Society, American Chemical Society Green Mountain Section, Green Mountain Water Environment Association, Northeast Branch American Society for Microbiology, Vermont State Nurses Association, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society–Norwich University Chapter, Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and the Department of Environmental Conservation, 10% Challenge Program.

a student reading in the library

The Vermont Principals’ Association offers two scholarships for graduating seniors: the Vermont Principals’ Association Member Scholarship and Ray Pellegrini “Reach for the Stars” Scholarship. The United States Senate Youth Program Scholarship for juniors and seniors is also available through the VPA.

Debate & Forensics

The Vermont Debate and Forensics League (VDFL) is an affiliate organization of the VPA organized some thirty years ago to stimulate an interest in and expand knowledge of the opportunities available to high school students in public speaking; to encourage interscholastic debate and individual speaking contests; and to promote the civic virtues of public discourse. In pursuing these objectives, the VDFL holds workshops, school sponsored competitions, and a state tournament for both Public Forum Debate as well as the eight individual public speaking events.