The Vermont Principals Association
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The VPA is excited to be apart of the Vermont Small Business Development Center’s Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP). Awarded in December of 2021, the grant will be operating through December of 2023.

The goal is to “reduce barriers that all small businesses — including those owned by disadvantaged groups such as veterans, BIPOC, women and those from rural communities —often face in accessing critical support.” The Community Navigator Pilot Program uses a “hub and spoke” model, with VtSBDC as the hub, and nine spoke organizations that will create impact through the central hub. Together, they will leverage partnerships with deeply trusted community-based organizations to help small businesses navigate government resources and tap into critical resources, according to the SBA’s plan. Specifically, the VPA will support the work through general amplification of the project and by distributing dollars directly to schools via a mini-monies program.

The VPA is functioning as one of nine “spokes” or sub-recipients of the grant. The other additional participating organizations are: Vermont Law School (VLS), Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) Financial Futures Program, Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF), Center for Women and Enterprise (CWEVT), Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation (CVEDC), Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC), Vermont Professionals of Color Network, Main Street Alliance-Vermont.

Community Navigator Homepage

Read the Full Press Release (December, 2021)

Vermont Small Business Development Center

The Mini-Monies Program Round 2:

Application Process Open on December 15th

The Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA) will distribute a total of $45,000 in mini-monies in the winter of 2024 to selected Vermont schools/districts for a variety of special projects. The mini-monies program is a part of the Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP) and the Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA).

Funded (in part) through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration, the CNPP uses a “hub and spoke” model, with the Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC) as the hub, and VPA as one of nine spoke organizations that create collective impact throughout the state for targeted populations including BIPOC, rural, veterans, and women.

The Mini-Monies Program Round 1:

VPA Awards $65,000 to schools as part of Community Navigator Program (full press release)

The Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA) will distribute a total of $65,000 in mini-monies this month to 13 Vermont schools/districts for a variety of special projects. The mini-monies program is a part of the Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP) and the Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA).

Funded (in part) through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration, the CNPP uses a “hub and spoke” model, with the Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC) as the hub, and VPA as one of nine spoke organizations that create collective impact throughout the state for targeted populations including BIPOC, rural, veterans, and women.

VPA Podcast, Episode 11: Entrepreneurship & Education

We talk with Laurel Butler of the VT Small Business Development Center, Tammie-Jo Dickinson Champlain Valley Union High School Business Teacher, and Gwen Pokalo of the Vermont Center for Women and Enterprise about the importance of developing entrepreneurial skills and what we can do to increase access to business development for underserved Vermont populations. Related links: Community Navigator Program

Funding [in part] through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration.