The Vermont Principals Association
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Episode Six: With David Bennett

Mike spoke with David Bennett. David has been working in the field of education and student support for the past 14 years.  He has a bachelor’s degree in Biological Science and secondary education and a Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work.  He has spent the majority of his professional career working to develop a comprehensive understanding of the issues that impact youth ability to connect with their education and live empowered lives.  He believes that public schools are one of the most integral components to help make this happen.  He has worked to develop multiple programs of study that combine social and emotional learning and building student self efficacy to academic curriculum.  He currently works in private practice as a therapist and experiential educator in Central Vermont.

Episode Five: With VPA Executive Director, Jay Nichols

Mike interviewed VPA Executive Director, Jay Nichols, on the morning of April 10th, 2020. They talked about the latest from state leadership on COVID-19, the worries, the pride for VT educators, nitty gritty of attendance policy with distant learning, access to internet, educational funding, and more. Please excuse some paper shuffling and less than perfect sound quality. Hopefully the expediency of the content makes up for it.

Episode Four: With Mara Iverson, Director of Education at Outright Vermont

Our first ever remote podcast! With social distancing enacted, we connected with Mara Iverson, Director of Education at Outright Vermont to talk through school leadership, student voice, and how we can best serve LGBTQ+ youth through school closure and beyond. Here is the guidance that Mara references regarding recommendations for schools in conjunction with the VT-AOE.

Episode One: with VPA Executive Director, Jay Nichols

For our first ever episode, we talk all things school leadership with VPA Executive Director, Jay Nichols. We learn more about Jay’s story of school leadership in Vermont and hear some of his core pieces of leadership advice, hot-topics for Vermont administrators, and more. Original release date, 12/18/19.