The Vermont Principals Association
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Girls Golf Scores

Boys Golf Scores

Girls Golf Registration Form

Boys Golf Registration Form

Golf Guide Fall 2024

Message to Golf Coaches:

Welcome to the Fall 2024 golf season.  In the past, many of you have been very conscientious about spending time on the rules and etiquette of golf.  Each year, however, we find students who have little knowledge of either the rules or etiquette.  We cannot stress enough the importance of this aspect of the game.  Rules books should be ordered from the VPA Office.  These books and this guide are an excellent means of teaching rules and expectations for golf in Vermont. Please be certain you and your players are knowledgeable of recent rule changes.

It is a privilege and not our “right” to be able to use many golf courses throughout the state.  Coaches and players should take the time to thank the proper course staff after each golf match. Additionally, you should stress to all your players that we are dependent on the generosity of Country Clubs and the Vermont Golf Association for sites to play and that every effort needs to be made by the participants to be courteous.  You should also do everything possible to create an image that would make schools welcome for years to come.

By its very nature, golf requires an absolute level of integrity on the part of all coaches and participants.  Coaches should remind their players of their responsibility to report accurate scores for themselves and their competitors.  Each player must protect the integrity of the game for the entire field. In addition, all coaches are responsible for ensuring that all players are match ready and well versed in the rules and etiquette of the game.

It would be very helpful to the committee if coaches would insist on proper scorecard procedure, both keeping score, and signing and turning in scores.  There are very definite rules about this and they will be enforced in state-level tournaments.  We would encourage you to see that these same rules are followed at each of your own matches.

If a suspected violation has occurred, the following procedure is recommended for your golfers:

a) Immediately discuss the situation with the player suspected of a violation;

b) Confer with all players in the group to try to resolve the situation;

c) If a decision cannot be reached, bring the matter immediately to the coaches after

    finishing play.  Do not sign cards until a decision has been made by the coaches.

Pat Merriam, Chair

V.P.A. Golf Committee


  1. Applications must be filed electronically.  
    1. BOYS due date is Thursday, September 26, 2024, by 9:00 am.
    2. GIRLS due date is Thursday, October 3, 2024, by 9:00 am 
  2. Pairings for boys’ state finals will be based on players’ scores at state divisional qualifiers.
  3. During a school’s regular season, only Coaches will be allowed to

provide individual coaching between each hole.  In addition, rule violations/pace of play may be addressed while the hole is in play. 

  1. All spectators must stay at least 25 yards away from players at all times. If any player is

observed receiving advice from any spectator, a two-stroke penalty will be enforced.

Spectators may not provide advice or assistance (including ball searching). Doing so may result in removal from the event. 

  1. During the Fall 2024 season, a team that receives three disqualifications during the season or tournament (due to behavioral issues) will be required to meet with the Activity Standards Committee before entering or continuing in the tournament.
  2. The use of inappropriate behavior/ language will not be tolerated and will result in 

immediate disqualification.   The VPA has been requested by host clubs to address the issue of slow play.  It is further emphasized that throughout the regular season, coaches address slow play through instruction in course management.

  1. The use of cell phones, headsets, or electronic devices (excludes GPS applications & laser) during play in sectionals and states is prohibited and will result in disqualification.
  2. The VPA has been requested by host clubs to address the issue of slow play.  It is further emphasized that throughout the regular season, coaches address slow play through instruction in course management. 

USGA Rule 5.6 encourages prompt pace of play by recommending that:

  • Players should recognize that their pace of play affects others and they should play promptly throughout the round (such as by preparing in advance for each stroke and moving promptly between strokes and going to the next tee),
  • A player should make a stroke in no more than 40 seconds (and usually in less time) after the player is able to play without interference or distraction, and
  • Committees should adopt a Pace of Play Policy (rather than only say they may do so).

In addition, Rule 6.4 expressly allows playing out of turn in match play by agreement, and for stroke play, affirmatively allows and encourages players to play out of turn in a safe and responsible way to save time or for convenience (also known as “ready golf”).




  1. All participants must satisfy the eligibility requirements of the Vermont Principals Association.  Schools making applications to the qualifiers are expected to fulfill their obligations. There is a $15.00 registration fee per boy/girl golfer. The fee is to be sent to the VPA a week before the regional for boys and the championship for girls. Failure to do so will result in your team/players not being able to play.
  1. A. To be eligible for tournament competition, a team or individual must have competed in  TWO regularly scheduled interscholastic matches or tournaments on two different dates or as amended by the Golf Committee.

B. In order to participate in the boys’ qualifiers the following standard has been set per 18 holes. Boys – 110 average and must complete an 18-hole round in 4 ½ hours.

  • All teams or individuals competing in the qualifier and state tournaments must be accompanied by a coach or a faculty advisor who is familiar with the team members and the rules of golf.  The coach or advisor is responsible for the team and/or individual and shall be present at the first tee and will remain on the grounds until the final positioning of the score for their team.  Only student competitors shall be allowed playing privileges during the state golf qualifiers and finals.

3. Each BOYS TEAM* competing in the state qualifier shall be restricted to five members from an original list of eligible participants.

  • *Definition of a boys’ team – not more than five students or less than four, from a school, may tee off for team competition in either the sectional or state tournament. Please make sure to include all of your golfers on the application. In order to participate in the boys’ qualifier the following standard has been set per 18 holes. Boys – 110 average and must complete an 18-hole round in 4 ½ hours.

The Golf Committee shall assign starting times to the first five members listed on each school’s team application.  These five members shall be listed by the lowest average score in order.   The original order and lineup may be amended in writing, by phone call, or by fax to the VPA office prior to the meeting of the VPA Golf Committee on September 26, 2024, at 9:00 am After the VPA Golf Committee meets the original five members may be substituted for but the order will not change.  

Once tee times have been set, schools must notify the Meet Director 48 hours in advance of any withdrawals.  Failure to do this will result in a $25 fine per withdrawal. 

The coach must confirm the team roster to the starter before the first member participates in the tournament.  A member of the team participating in the final tournament does not have to participate in the sectional tournament to be eligible.  However, all student participants must be recorded on the original entry blank supplied by the participating school.   

VPA rules do not prevent a school during the regular season from allowing girls to try out for the boys’ golf team.   However, girls may not participate in boys’ qualifiers or state finals. 

4.   Each GIRLS TEAM * competing in the State Tournament shall be restricted to four

      members from an original list of eligible participants (a girls’ team – not more than 

      four students or less than two).  

In order to participate in the girls’ championship, the following qualifying standard has been set per 18 holes. Girls -120 average based on a double par scoring and must complete an 18-hole round in 4 ½ hours (2 hours per 9). The Golf Committee shall assign starting times to the first four members listed on each school’s team application.  These four members shall be listed by the lowest average score in order.  The original order and lineup may be amended in writing, by phone call, or fax to the VPA office prior to the meeting of the VPA Golf Committee on October 3, 2024 at 9:00 am. After the VPA Golf Committee meets the original three (two) members may be substituted for but the order will not change.  

The coach must confirm the team roster to the starter before the first member participates in the tournament.   However, all student participants must be recorded on the original entry blank supplied by the participating school. Once tee times have been set, schools must notify the Meet Director 48 hours in advance of any withdrawals.  Failure to do this will result in a $25 fine per withdrawal.

    5.  Schools competing in the qualifier and state finals may make arrangements for practice rounds.  The option of granting these requests and greens fees is left with the host club.

    6.   All play in the state qualifier and finals shall be stroke play.

    7.   Coaches, advisors, and spectators shall not coach players in any manner or give specific counsel during the match.  (Rule #8-2 Note. . . has not been adopted by VPA.) However, coaches may clarify a rules question. 

     8.  There will be two boys’ qualifier sites.  Schools will be assigned to a qualifier site by the

     VPA Golf Committee and listed in the Golf Guide.  The representative of the VPA at the 

     the qualifier site will deny participation to anyone who is not at the assigned site. 

    9.   In the BOYS’ Tournament, the top SIX teams  from each state qualifier SITE advance to the

State Tournament.  Individual golfers may also be included in state play based upon

Qualifier scores. 

NEW 2024:  The low five (5) scorers and ties from each qualifier who ARE NOT MEMBERS OF A TEAM that qualifies for the team competition, will be eligible for the State Tournament. There will be a Division I and Division II champion and finalist. 

10.   No caddies or motorized carts will be allowed.  Non-motorized carts are allowable. The 

        VPA Golf Committee may grant exceptions based upon documented evidence of need.  

        This request must be made at least two (2) weeks in advance of the sections and/or finals.  

11.  Boys’ Team Scoring

a. The total gross score of the lowest four members of each competing school team shall

                determine the qualifier and state winners.

b. In qualifier play, all necessary ties will be broken to send teams to the state finals site.  In

      team competition the four lowest scoring members of each team shall commence on

      the first designated hole and play shall continue until the tie is broken (2 plus 2)..

c. In state competition, team ties and first or second place ties shall be solved as above.

      Medalists shall continue to play to determine the states’ champion if a tie occurs.

       Girls’ Team Scoring

a.  There will be a Division I and Division II champion and runner-up.

b. The total gross score of the lowest two members of each competing school team shall

    determine the state winners.

c. In state competition, team ties for first or second place shall be resolved as follows: in 

    team competition, the two lowest scoring members of each team shall commence on

    the 1st designated hole and play shall continue until the tie is broken. Medalists shall

    continue to play to determine the state’s champion if a tie occurs.

12. It is the responsibility of the coach and team to learn of any special rules from the VPA


13. Instruction to the starters: In addition to the regularly assigned duties, you must instruct all 

      golfers on the methods of handling their scorecards.

14. Scoring at State Qualifiers and State Tournament:

      Scoring will be stroke play with individual cards, playing partners keeping each other’s 

      scores as assigned off your first tee.  Each player must announce his/her score to his/her  

      marker after the completion of the hole.  If this does not happen, the marker shall

      request the score and mark it down on the way to the next tee.  Check your nine hole

      scores (player and marker) and agree on the hole by hole score before teeing off on the back

      nine.  After completion of eighteen holes (the player and marker will check hole by hole

      score for the back nine.), the marker (and player will them proceed immediately to the 

      scorers table and) will total the score and sign on the attest line.  It is the responsibility 

      of the player to confirm his/her card and sign on the player line.  If there is no problem then

      turn in signed cards to the scorers’ table.  If there is a problem, do not sign your card, but

      report the problem to the jury of appeal.

15. The representative of the Vermont Principals’ Association at the state qualifier will

      notify participating schools of the time and place for the final tournament.

16. All entries for BOYS’ qualifiers must be electronically filed no later than

      September 26, 2024  at 9:00 A.M.  The Vermont Principals’ Association Golf 

      Committee will assemble to establish starting times for all participants in the qualifier.   The seedings meeting will be on September 26, 2024 at 9:00 A.M.   Any applications received AFTER that time will be assessed a $100 late fee.  Any applications received after NOON on September 26, 2024 will NOT be considered (due to issues with RE-assigning tee times).

All entries for the GIRLS’ FINALS must be electronically filed no later than

October 3, 2024 at 9:00 A.M.  The Vermont Principals’ Association Golf 

Committee will assemble to establish starting times for all participants in the qualifier.   The seedings meeting will be on October 3, 2024 at 9:00 A.M.   Any applications received AFTER that time will be assessed a $100 late fee.  Any applications received after NOON on October 3, 2024 will NOT be considered (due to issues with RE-assigning tee times).

17. In the state qualifier and state tournaments, the ball shall be played as it lies unless amended 

      by the site director.

18. Officials:

A.   The Vermont Principals’ Association and the Vermont Golf Association shall appoint 

       representatives to each State Qualifier and State Championship tournament site.  

One of the representatives shall: make contact with the host club to make sure the arrangements are satisfactory for the tournament, and confirm that all special personnel necessary to the proper functioning of the tournament are aware of their responsibilities 

They shall interpret local rules before the start of play.  They shall assume the title of referee and all questions which relate to the play of the game shall be directed to them for interpretation.

B.  Coaching personnel WILL BE  assigned for position on the course at designated locations.  

                  They are not rules interpreters or advisors to players. Representatives from the VGA will be 

                  present for rules interpretation.

19. Dress:

The State Qualifier and Championships requires adherence to the host golf course dress

             policy.  It is the coach’s responsibility to inform their players of this policy.  A dress

             policy includes a ban on metal spikes. Players may be prohibited from participation 

             for non-compliance to dress policy.

20. Senior students, boys and girls, are eligible for four year VGA Scholarships if they are

      planning on attending college. Ask your guidance counselor for details.


DIVISION 1 State Qualifier – TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024 – SITE TBD

*weather make up date October 2md

            Top 6 schools qualify for State Tournament

BFA, St. Albans                                       Mt. Anthony

Brattleboro                                               Mt. Mansfield

Burlington                                                 North Country  

Burr & Burton Rice

Champlain Valley Rutland

Colchester St. Johnsbury

Essex                                                     South Burlington

Missisquoi                                                Spaulding


*weather make up date October 2md

             The top 6 schools qualify for State Tournament


Fair Haven                                                                         Killington Mt. School

Hartford Mt. Abraham

Harwood Otter Valley

Lake Region

Lamoille Milton

Lyndon Northfield/Randolph

             Middlebury                                                                         Woodstock

             Mill River                                                                            Oxbow            

Black River     Proctor                           

Enosburg Rivendell

Green Mountain UHS                                                        Long Trail School

             Green Mt. Valley School Windsor

Hazen                                                                                Stowe

Leland & Gray Stratton Mountain

Peoples Thetford

U-32                                                                                   West Rutland                




Brattleboro Black River

Burlington Fair Haven

Burr & Burton Hartford

Champlain Valley Harwood

Colchester Lake Region

Essex Lyndon

Missisquoi Mill River

Mt. Anthony             Long Trail School

Mt. Mansfield Northfield

North Country Otter Valley

Rutland Peoples

South Burlington Poultney

Spaulding Proctor

St. Johnsbury Rice

BFA- St. Albans Rivendell





Enosburg Falls




At the request of the host site, all play will begin at the first tee. The format will be as 


Time TBA – Division 1

Time TBA – Division 2

We realize this may cause some lengthy waiting times in order to determine the ten New England Qualifiers.  Schools may want to have arrangements made in order to transport students who do not have a need to wait until all golfers have finished play.





SITE: Mohegan Sun (CT)

FEE: $25.00 per golfer

This Fall (2024 season) participation in the New England Individual Golf Tournament sponsored by the New England Secondary School Principals’ Association will be available to boy and girl players at the Vermont state tournament site(s).  Vermont will be allotted ten (10) spots for boys and ten (10) spots for girls.  These spots may be filled by the low ten scores in each of their respective state tournaments.  Since the boys are divided into Division I and II, but play the same tees and course, the division issue is moot.  

State Championship Golf: Spectator Guidelines

Welcome to the State Championship Golf Tournament! We appreciate your support and enthusiasm for the athletes. To ensure a fair and respectful competition, please adhere to the following guidelines while following a golf group:

Decorum and Conduct:

  1. Respect the Course: Stay on designated paths and off fairways and greens. Follow course-specific rules to maintain the integrity of the grounds.
  2. Quiet Observation: Golf is a sport requiring concentration. Keep noise to a minimum, especially when players are preparing for and executing shots.
  3. Applause and Encouragement: Applaud and encourage players in a positive manner. Avoid any negative comments or displays of frustration.
  4. Electronic Devices: Ensure mobile phones are on silent mode. Refrain from using devices in a way that may distract players.

Interaction with Players:

  1. No Coaching: Spectators are not allowed to coach or advise players during the round. This includes any form of communication about strategy, club selection, or course conditions.
  2. Maintaining Distance: Keep a respectful distance (Minimum 25-50 yards) from the players to allow them to focus on their game.

Supporting Coaches and Officials:

  1. Rules and Calls: Coaches and tournament officials are responsible for making rules calls. Spectators should not intervene or attempt to interpret rules. There will be zero tolerance for questioning or harassing coaches or tournament officials. You will be removed from the golf course should this occur. 
  2. Respect Decisions: All decisions made by coaches and officials regarding rules and player conduct are final. Support these decisions and encourage sportsmanship.

General Etiquette:

  1. Dress Appropriately: Wear suitable attire for a golf course environment. Comfortable and respectful clothing is recommended.
  2. Stay Hydrated and Prepared: Bring water, sunscreen, and other personal necessities to ensure your comfort during the event.

Thank you for your cooperation and for helping to make this championship a positive experience for all participants. Enjoy the tournament and let’s celebrate the hard work and talent of our young athletes!