All EC Meeting Minutes EC Minutes August 3 & 4, 2023 Posted on August 4, 2023August 9, 2023 Rebecca Fillion called the meeting to order at 4:06pm. In attendance: Sarah Pickering, Rebecca Fillion, Christie Martin, Mary Guggenberger, Chris Young, Beth O’Brien, Donna Cauley, Bianca McKeen, Mary Ross, Doug Heavisides, Patrick Guckin, Scott Tabachnick, Erica LeClair, Holly Rouelle, Rick Dustin-Eichler, Pam Arnold, Nathan McNaughton, Adam Bunting, Annsunee Swift, Keith Lyman, Jay Nichols, Lauren Thomas, Erica McLaughlin, Mike McRaith and Mallori Longevin. Not in attendance: Erik Remmers, Jeanne Collins, Lashawn Witmore-sells, Steven Dellinger-Pate. Welcome/IntroductionsRebecca Fillion led the committees in a round of introductions. Meet with PL&S Committee. Hear about their progress toward last year’s goals and proposal for goals for this year.The Professional Learning & Support Committee and Activities Standards Committee both gave a brief overview of their 2022-2023 year goals and the progress made towards each goal. The Professional Learning and Support Committee and Executive Council separated to work individually on each committee’s proposed goals for the 2023-2024 school year. Approve or modify May 12, 2023 Executive Council Meeting MinutesA motion to approve the minutes from the May 12th meeting was made by Beth O’Brien. The motion was seconded by Holly Rouelle. The motion passed unanimously. Revisit last year’s Goals/Set Goals for the new school year.Rebecca Fillion and Jay Nichols led the Executive Council in discussion about the progress made towards last year’s goals and establishing goals for the 2023-2024 school year. Review and motion on Committee Proposed GoalsASC Proposed Goals: Support all students in activities and athletics Expand opportunities for students not associated with an athletic team. Provide clear and consistent communication among stakeholders. Support the mental health of our student-athletes. PL&S Proposed Goals: Provide Professional Learning to Vermont educators and their school communities to improve “equity and quality educational opportunities” for each student, including but not limited to the current and ongoing offerings. In support of building collaboration and connections across members, we will continue to offer member support in multiple ways including but not limited to: drop-ins, supporting aspiring school leaders, one-to-one support, school visits, affinity spaces, book groups, coaching, and the VPA mentoring program. Conduct the annual survey of VT school leaders and use the results to inform develop professional learning and collaborative offerings. Produce the VPA 2023-24 Conferences including, Leadership Academy in Killington, an annual Winter Symposium Event, and an annual Women in Leadership Conference… A motion to approve the Activities Standards Committee and Professional Learning and Support Committee proposed goals for the 2023-2024 school year was made by Beth O’brien. The motion was seconded by Chris Young. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting Dates for 2023-2024 October 27th, 2023 January 19th, 2024 March 8th, 2024 May 20th, 2024 The Executive Council set the dates for EC meetings for the 2023-2024 school year. EC Member Updates:Holly Rouelle and Chris Young gave brief updates about their work in the National Associations. Executive Council members gave brief updates on the various national and state committees that they are working with. Education Equity AllianceJay Nichols gave a brief description of the partnership with Education Equity Alliance for the new EC members. Jay recommends that we continue the relationship for another year. A motion to continue the VPA relationship with the Education Equity Alliance and the Neacrason Group was made by Sarah Pickering. The motion was seconded by Chris Young. The motion passed unanimously. The Executive Council meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm and will reconvene on Friday at 8:00am. Welcome back:Rebecca Fillion called the meeting to order at 8:00am. In attendance: Pam Arnold, Annsunee Swift, Chris Young, Adam Bunting, Sarah Pickering, Christie Martin, Mary Ross, Mary Guggenberger, Erica LeClair, Patrick Guckin, Nathan McNaughton, Scotty Tabachnick, Beth O’Brien, Rebecca Fillion, Holly Rouelle, Jay Nichols and Mallori Longevin. EC Goal WorkEC Goals: Uphold the public mission of schools to provide equitable learning opportunities for all Vermont students. Support, retain, and recruit school leaders with a focus on increasing diversity. Provide resources/learning to school leaders to foster resilience within school communities. Develop learning networks and frameworks to support school leaders. Promote and advocate for state-wide early learning. A motion to accept the 2023-2024 Executive Council goals as written was made by Holly Rouelle. The motion was seconded by Adam Bunting. The motion passed unanimously. Legislative/Policy Discussions UpdatesJay Nichols gave brief explanations and updates on issues and bills from the Legislative session. There was discussion. Construction Task Force – Derives from Big Bill Act78 HHB Early Childhood – Act 76 School Safety – Act 29 IDEA Part B public benefits Insurance Legal UpdatesA motion to enter Executive Session at 9:20am was made by Holly Rouelle for legal updates, Attorney’s Michael Marks and Mercedes Colwin were invited into executive session to discuss a lawsuit . The motion was seconded by Beth O’Brien. The motion passed unanimously. A motion to exit Executive Session at 10:10am was made by Chris Young. The motion was seconded by Pam Arnold. The motion passed unanimously. Parent Lawsuit UpdateJay Nichols gave a brief update on the lawsuit involving a parent and its status. OtherA motion to adjourn the Executive Council meeting at 11:10 was made by Beth O’Brien. The motion was seconded by Chris Young. The motion passed unanimously.