The Vermont Principals Association
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PL&S Purpose: “Provide and promote high quality professional learning relevant to Vermont school leaders.”

(Established, May 2013)

PL&S Committee Membership

This committee shall have eleven members, elected by the school membership at the annual meeting. The committee will be facilitated by the Vermont Principals’ Association’s Assistant Executive Director. The membership of the committee shall represent the state of Vermont geographically, by grade configuration (elementary, middle and high school), strive for diversity in role among VPA members (e.g. Director of Career and Technical Education, Assistant Principal, etc.), and by gender. Additionally, one seat (per) will be reserved for a member of the VPA who is participating within our given affinity spaces, Administrators of Color and LGBTQ+ identifying affinity spaces. That one seat per does not limit the number of participants from the given affinity space, but serves as a minimum. Members serve a three-year term, beginning at the August committee meeting, and have the option to renew for a second three-year term. In cases of vacancies, the VPA’s Executive Council can appoint a representative to complete the year (ending at the May meeting).

Committee Members 2024-25

  • Chair: Bianca McKeen-Assistant Superintendent Rutland City Schools
  • 2024-2025 Members: Bianca McKeen, Rutland City Schools, Doug Heavisides, Principal of The Wilder School, Rick Dustin-Eichler, Principal of Dothan Brook School, Donna Cauley, Principal of Monument Elementary, Jeanne Collins, Retired Member, Lashawn Witmore-Sells, Principal of Shoreham Elementary, Julie Conrad, Principal Main Street Middle School, Jennifer DeSorgher, Director of Teaching & Learning MVU Middle & High, Ashley Newton, Director/Principal of VTVLC, Lyndsie Perkins, Principal of Hartland Elementary School
  • VPA Reps: Mike McRaith, & Erica McLaughlin 

2024-2025 Goals:

  • Provide Professional Learning to Vermont educators and their school communities to improve “equity and quality educational opportunities” for each student, including but not limited to the current and ongoing offerings
  • In support of building collaboration and connections across members, we will continue to offer member support in multiple ways including but not limited to: drop-ins, supporting aspiring school leaders, one-to-one support, school visits, affinity spaces, book groups, coaching, and the VPA mentoring program. 
  • Conduct the annual survey of VT school leaders and use the results to inform develop professional learning and collaborative offerings. 
  • Produce the VPA 2024-25 Conferences including, Leadership Academy in Killington, an annual Winter Symposium Event, and an annual Women in Leadership Conference.


The PL&S Committee will meet a minimum of five times during the school year, at least two of which will be in person with the remaining meetings can be held electronically. At the August PL&S Committee meeting (at the Academy), the committee will elect a chairperson, or co-chairs. 

 Photos from the 2023 VPA Leadership Academy

(Thank you to Lifetouch for the photos)